Renting a car in Jeju is easy and affordable

Car rental companies with information, contracts, and navigation systems in English
Car rental companies
Company NameWebsiteContactNote
LOTTE Rent-A Car(Hertz)
Some helpful tips for renting a car in Jeju
Tip #1 Rent in advance! For the best fares and availability, booking in advance is best. Rental cars get sold out very quickly during peak seasons, which include:
- The two major Korean holidays
Lunar New Year (January or February)
Chuseok (September or October)
Please note: Because these dates are set using the lunar calendar, they will differ on the Gregorian calendar every year.
- The week of Children’s Day (early May)
- Summer peak season (mid-July to mid-August)
So, make sure to book your vehicle with enough time to spare!

Tip #2 If you did not book your car prior to your trip, no worries! You can rent a car at the rental car stations located by Gate 2 at Arrivals on the 1st floor. This is not the recommended method, but it will save you in a pinch!

the rental car stations

Tip #3 Take pictures of your car to record any damages. The rental company will usually ask their clients to do this to minimize any possible car damage issues. And don’t forget to mark where your gas meter is! You will have to fill up your tank to at least that mark before you return the vehicle. In the case that you are unable to fill up the gas to the required amount, the rental car company will charge your credit card for the price of the gas, plus a fee of 5,000 won (USD4.50)

the rental car stations

Tip #4 Schedule plenty of time for picking up your rental car at the airport. To better route traffic, the Jeju government placed all car rental companies off-site, so all rental car companies provide a free shuttle bus to and from the airport. Every company’s shuttle bus has a designated area at the shuttle bus terminal. Depending on the location of your rental company’s headquarters, the shuttle bus ride can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on local traffic conditions. So, make sure to schedule in plenty of time for pick up!
  • the rental car stations
  • the rental car stations

Tip #5 You will need your International Driver’s Permit and a photo ID to rent your vehicle. Be aware that in order to legally drive in the Republic of Korea, you will need to carry your International Driver’s Permit, along with your passport at any time you are operating a vehicle. International Driver’s Permits also have expiration dates, so make sure you will not be driving on an expired permit!

the rental car stations

Tip #6 It is required for foreigners to purchase full coverage insurance on rental cars. There is no fixed cost for full coverage insurance; the price will vary by vehicle and rental dates. It may feel pricey, but the peace of mind far outweighs the financial cost!

Tip #7 When returning your rental car, you will return it to the same location from where you received your car. Sometimes, the rental company will ask you for your rental contract to verify information, so make sure you put it somewhere safe! Upon returning your vehicle, the shuttle bus will drive you back to the airport. Make sure you schedule in plenty of time for finalizing paperwork, vehicle inspection and shuttle bus ride back to the airport!

the rental car stations

TO TAKE THE SHUTTLE BUS: Exit Gate 5 at the Jeju International Airport. Cross the road at the crosswalk, and follow the yellow arrows that direct you to the Rent-a-Car shuttle bus terminal. Inside the terminal, you will find a map that will direct you to the location of your shuttle bus stop. If you still have questions, there is an information desk in the terminal building with helpful employees who can help you in English or Chinese.