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신흥리 동백&향나무길
신흥리 동백&향나무길

If you search for the word “Deokdeolsaengi” (덕덜생이), one result that pops up will be a road full of juniper and camellia trees. The road leading to the fields in the area is narrow, so please be careful when driving. The fields here were established with camellias as a tree belt. As a result, the winter scenery is absolutely stunning, but even in the off-season it is still a wonderful wedding photo spot because of the dynamic feel of the juniper trees.

During the camellia season, many people visit from early winter to early spring. A variety of camellias such as traditional camellias, baby camellias, and carnation camellias welcome us. Each camellia variety blooms at a different time, so you can potentially see a different camellia every time you go.

Note: When parking, please be sure to stay well clear of the roadway.

신흥리 동백&향나무길
신흥리 동백&향나무길
신흥리 동백&향나무길
신흥리 동백&향나무길
신흥리 동백&향나무길